Behind The Scenes - Her Ass Feels Wonderful

“…’*H'aah!*  *H'aah!*’

‘Hera, help me…*Nnn!*…I’m losing my mind…’

’*Unnh!*…I…I don’t…un…understand…’

'Why…Why…does this…f-feel…s…s-s…so…good…?*AANNH!!*’

…There are fewer things Wonder Woman found more disgusting then when she was first made aware of the concept of anal sex.  After all, the idea of someone actually sticking something up their…how could that, in ANY way, be considered an acceptable activity?

However, it wasn’t long before that Diana thought the same thing about ANY kind of sex, in general, with a man.  And as Shayera Hol (aka. Hawkgirl) once so infamously stated…,"Don’t knock it 'til you’ve tried it, Princess”.

But even after that, her sexual encounters were so few and far between, it could hardly be said that she’d had any at all.  It wasn’t until she and Bruce Wayne began seeing each other regularly that that began to change.  Eventually, she felt safe enough with him, in an intimate setting, to give him access to her “back door”…just once.

Diana couldn’t believe, for one second, that there were actually women out there who genuinely enjoyed this sort of penetration.  But what she found even more unbelievable in a big hurry…was that SHE was actually ONE of them…“

This is basically the first of a two-part birthday present for a DA Member, who has a deep fetish for naughty Batman/Wonder Woman images.  It was for him, that I originally drew those Wonder Woman nude poses, posted earlier.  What you’re seeing here is actually pretty obvious, with Diana allowing Bruce to give her yet another anal ride…something that’s become a very regular thing between them.

And yes, Diana is using EXACTLY what you think she’s using.  I know the "traditional” form of this position is to have a woman leaning back on her hands, to support her upper body and balance herself.  But when you have the luxury of being someone like Wonder Woman, who just so happens to be carrying around her own personalized suspension equipment…why the hell WOULDN’T you use it?

Anyway, the present was thoroughly enjoyed.  And to everyone else who happens to come across this hidden gem, I hope you appreciate it just as much. ^_^


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