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Lesser-Known Ladies: Keeping it Presentable

  Calling all DCAU fans!  Remember when this woman was practically everywhere for a while?  Anytime there was an episode of Batman: The Animated Series, it was almost a guarantee that Summer Gleeson was going to show up at some point to cover something.  Dismiss her as the show's exposition dump if you want to, but the fact is, Summer was like the fourth most prominent supporting character on the show at one point, behind only Alfred, Commissioner Gordon and Harvey Bullock (Bullock at least had a couple of episodes dedicated to him, which is what I think edged her out for the #3 spot). And then, out of nowhere, when Batman: TAS became The New Batman Adventures, she just completely vanished off the face of the Earth.  And I really have no idea why.  I suppose if I had to GUESS, the most likely reason would be because Superman: The Animated series came along, which meant the animators now had Lois Lane in their toy box to play with.  So they probably figured, what did

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